Paying the restaurant bill the Swiss way

I was thrilled at the close of our book club’s annual Christmas dinner last night. Not only did I have a blast, I was impressed with the restaurant staff's ability to keep tabs on 29 individual champagne, wine, sparkling water, coffee, and espresso orders.

In Switzerland, it is common for restaurant staff to bring diners their own separate checks. I am not sure why, but one explanation for this could be that eating out in Switzerland is expensive. Whatever the reason, I think it's great. Being a teetotaler and a low-budget eater, I've often had problems with splitting the bill "per head" and having to subsidize others' heavy drinking habit.

So, I like the Swiss way. There's no awkwardness, and it avoids "But I just had a salad" issues. Thank you staff at Chalet Hotel Hornberg in Saanenmöser. You handled our boisterous group very well.